"The darkness is passing away ... and the true light is already shining ..." 1 John 2:8

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Never Seen Anything Like This!

Jessica Roboloth tells of a day filled with such unusual things that you can't help thinking about the Wizard of Oz, and how Dorothy said to Toto, "I get the feeling we're not in Kansas anymore, Toto."

Breakfast was 9:00 at McDonald's. And already things begin to get interesting. As they ate their breakfast they "watched the bums outside" who were drinking. Yes, drinking alcohol at 9 o'clock in the morning. From there they went to ride the rides.

Jessica said, "Jessica Gassaway went on her first roller coaster. She had never been on one before. And we saw lots of interesting people. There was a couple walking along wearing pink...pink everything. The woman had on a pink wig and the man's hair was dyed pink. They were pushing a baby stroller that had a doll in it. As they passed, Jesse said to them, "What a cute baby." The woman smiled and nodded."

They went shopping, but things were expensive, and most of the stuff was the same as you find anywhere. There were some cool T shirts however. They played on the beach. The ocean was not too cold, but it was breezy, so they didn't stay in the water long.

Jessica and Jessica and Jesse went up on the wharf. "We saw what looked like quarters down in the water. It was thousands of fish - a huge school of fish. We saw sea lions - swimming in the water. We also saw a flock of pelicans - they were flying in a V."

Tomorrow they will be in San Francisco.

Friday, June 29, 2007

We're In Santa Cruz!

Becca Pence reported,"We got up at 6:00 am this morning. We showered at a truck stop and then had breakfast. We hit the road at 8:30. We drove pretty much all day and got to Santa Cruz by 4:30 pm. We left the church at 5:30 and then went to the Boardwalk and checked out the wharf. We played in the ocean - it was really cold! We splashed around for about an hour and a half."

Tomorrow they will go shopping, ride on rides and go swimming. "Home" for tonight, tomorrow, and tomorrow night is the Lutheran church.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

The First Night

Pastor Matthew just called and reports that they are staying the night in Winnemucca, Nevada. They drove a little over 550 miles and had a very good day. Everyone is safe and sound. They are staying at a Baptist Church in Winnemucca, and they are having a great trip.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Youth Mission Trip

Hi All,

I'm writing to let you know the Youth Mission Trip
leaves for San Francisco this Thursday! We will be
updating our progress along the way on Ascension's
website. Please go to: www.mylutheranchurch.net and
look for The Light Shining Blog on the left side to
read what's happening. Thanks for your support of
our youth. We also ask for prayers along the way
until our return on July 8.

God's Peace to You,

Pastor Matthew