"The darkness is passing away ... and the true light is already shining ..." 1 John 2:8

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Another Good Day

Keela Sykes told about a fun day that began with the children in Kid's Club. They sang songs with them, did crafts, played games outside, and had lunch. "They love us," Keela said, "It will be hard to leave them because they are so loving." There were about 30 kids ages 3 to 7. After lunch they went to the Food Bank where they boxed corn (ears of corn - on the cob, not canned corn), and then crated them. Then they moved on to plums and peaches. They were really happy because they were getting done early and could be the first ones in the showers, but....their luck did not hold! To be more precise, it was the boxes did not hold. As they were moving the boxes of discarded fruit to the curb ...the side ripped out. And mushy plums and peaches went all over... and they got covered in peach juice! Showers were needed more than ever now.

They had spaghetti for dinner and then went to a beach that is about 2 miles from the church. It was cold and there was a little fog. The waves were rolling in. There were some who were crazy and jumped in and swam anyway. When they got out they were freezing! "We found sand dollars and sea shells on the beach. It was really pretty and we had so much fun."

Tomorrow after breakfast they will clean and straighten up before heading out to tour San Francisco one last time.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

The Feeding of the 1,500

Imagine giving a barbecue with 1,500 guests...wow! Jessica G. said that this morning they walked around the city handing out fliers to people ...telling them "free food" and inviting them to the barbecue. Then they went back to the homeless shelter and did some decorating. Pastor said it is a community cook out and people with all kinds of different backgrounds came. There was one man there who brought his guitar and played. Pastor thought it quite likely he was an old rocker who possibly had played in a rock band in his younger days. He spoke to one man who had recently gotten off drugs and was trying to get his life back together.

"My heart goes out to them," Jessica said. "I've had such amazing conversations, and I have respect for them. For many of them, the street people are the only family they have." It was with heart-felt emotion that Jessica said, "You really know God's here." She also commented that God has really blessed us.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

To Live With and For Others

According to Yo George, they were divided into two groups, with one group staying at the church, and the other group going to the Food Bank. The group at the church included Keela Sykes, Trevor Bansemer, Pastor Matthew, Mindy Montambo, Becca Pence, and Jessica Roboloth. They assisted with Kid's Club, helping with activities and playing games with very young kids. By today, the second day, they felt they were really bonding with the children. The other group included Jesse Faler, Tasha Pence, Jessica Gasaway, and Nicole Montambo. Yesterday this group put 16,000 pounds of pinto beans into bags! Altogether they put enough rice and beans into bags to feed 15,000 people. Amazing! Today they worked in assembly, putting canned food and cereal into boxes that will be distributed to the elderly and other needy people. They were so productive that they almost made it into the Food Bank Hall of Fame - they packaged over 10 tons of food! Another activity they were in was at the St. Joseph Catholic charities homeless shelter. This shelter is for families who are trying to get back on their feet, and the adults are working or seeking employment. The shelter is kind of run down and their help was clearly needed. Among other things they vacuumed and swept floors. Yo said they are really looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow - they have been getting up very early every morning.

Wonderful Experience

I was reading the July Parish Newsletter and came across Pastor Matthew's "Pastor's Letter." He said how the trip to San Francisco looks to be "a wonderful experience of living into God's grace by giving of ourselves. It's how God asks us to live ...not for ourselves, but with and for others." My heart is gladdened every time I think of our young people on their mission journey. What a wonderful adventure in living into God's grace, walking the path that Jesus showed us, living with and for others. They are truly lights shining, lights illuminating faith and hope and love. God bless them ...and their work ...and their "play" as well.
In Christ's love, Donna

Monday, July 2, 2007

Busy Working

This was a very busy day as they began the joyful work of helping those in need. There is work in food distribution, helping with children, and upkeep and maintenance including painting.
(Note: photo is an archive photo, and is not our youth.)

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Sights of San Francisco

Jessica Gasaway tells of a busy day filled with cherished memories, "We were out of the church by 7 am, had breakfast and hit the road. We were in San Francisco by 10 am. We went to Grace Cathedral, which is a huge church. It has beautiful stained glass windows, a huge organ, a coffee shop, and a gift shop. It is 3 stories high and the downstairs is like a mall. We had lots of time to kill since we didn't have to be at the site until 4 pm. We walked and walked and walked - up and down and up and down! We had lunch in Chinatown. They seated us in the VIP room upstairs at a huge table about 15 feet in diameter. There was a balcony and you could see all of Chinatown and all San Francisco. After lunch we went to Coit Tower and took pictures. Then we went down Lombard Street - it was really curvy and fun! We drove across Golden Gate Bridge. We headed back then and went to the site at Temple Baptist Church where we mingled and introduced ourselves. They fed us a big meal and we had orientation. We had a really busy day and we have lots of good memories."
(Note: This photo is from church archives and is not our youth.)