"The darkness is passing away ... and the true light is already shining ..." 1 John 2:8

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

“If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” John 8:31

Bills, fears, expectations, loneliness, deadlines, diets, illness, depression, perfection, insecurities, illusions, responsibilities, to-do-lists, house repairs, meetings! Help! When will we be free?
1. What enslaves and burdens us?
2. How would this list have been different ten years ago?

Quick, rush to the book store to find the latest self-help book to repair your life. On second thought, follow the advice of Jesus and return to the Word to be comforted and challenged. There we not only encounter the love of the living God in Jesus Christ, but we also have a standard of his sacrificial life-giving love for our own lives. There we discover that freedom comes with being rooted in the amazing love and grace of God.
3. How can God’s Word free us?
4. Recall a time when God’s Word has helped to helped to put things in perspective?

Freedom does not mean doing whatever I want, whenever I want and with whomever I want. That’s an empty road. That is sin at work, seducing each of us to live only for me, myself and I. We dare not underestimate the power of sin to sabotage life, goals, relationships, and devotion to God. Sin is a powerful force. None of us can by our own efforts become freed. Jesus offers this reminder: Continue in my word = know the truth = be set free.
5. What does it mean to “continue in my word”?

The challenge of being a disciple is to align life with Jesus while the rages of sin rush through our spiritual system. It’s like keeping the tires of our car aligned while daily driving on roads filled with potholes. After a while, we scarcely remember there is another way. Remaining in the Word reminds us of the proper alignment with Jesus Christ.
6. Describe your life as if it was more firmly and rooted in God’s Word.
7. What if anything would change?
8. When do you feel firmly anchored in Christ and God’s Word?

Freedom is a gift from God for those willing to claim it. But here is the irony. We cannot claim the gift of freedom until we know we cannot save ourselves. That knowledge is the very place that we are found, forgiven and freed as a free gift of God in Jesus Christ (See Ephesians 2:4-9).
9. What is God freeing us to do or be?
10. How do you feel about being free?

Christ, free us from the shackles which bind and loosen our hearts to love. Amen