"The darkness is passing away ... and the true light is already shining ..." 1 John 2:8

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

To Live With and For Others

According to Yo George, they were divided into two groups, with one group staying at the church, and the other group going to the Food Bank. The group at the church included Keela Sykes, Trevor Bansemer, Pastor Matthew, Mindy Montambo, Becca Pence, and Jessica Roboloth. They assisted with Kid's Club, helping with activities and playing games with very young kids. By today, the second day, they felt they were really bonding with the children. The other group included Jesse Faler, Tasha Pence, Jessica Gasaway, and Nicole Montambo. Yesterday this group put 16,000 pounds of pinto beans into bags! Altogether they put enough rice and beans into bags to feed 15,000 people. Amazing! Today they worked in assembly, putting canned food and cereal into boxes that will be distributed to the elderly and other needy people. They were so productive that they almost made it into the Food Bank Hall of Fame - they packaged over 10 tons of food! Another activity they were in was at the St. Joseph Catholic charities homeless shelter. This shelter is for families who are trying to get back on their feet, and the adults are working or seeking employment. The shelter is kind of run down and their help was clearly needed. Among other things they vacuumed and swept floors. Yo said they are really looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow - they have been getting up very early every morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey kids, or best I rephrase..... Adults in training, So glad to hear from you all. 10 Tons of food!! wow, that small town work ethic must have really kicked in.

The church charity for families sounds fantastic, what a worthwhile endevour.

Love to you all. Paul

Hi everyone..........we are so proud of you and hope you are seeing some of the real world. America is a great country and we have so much and yet there are so many that have nothing. America, where we HAVE to have straight teeth, America, where we HAVE to have the right car, fast internet, the latest cell phone. We cannot forget about the people that have nothing, that have no hope, that do not have clean water, flushing toilets, or a place to sleep. I hope you see and learn to give to others that are not as fortunate as us. Remember, what you are seeing is in America. Think of the big world where people do not have what all the great things America has to offer and what we take for granted. God bless our great country. God bless you. LOVe, Kathy